The attractions of Rovigo are known to few: what to see in detail among historic palaces, art collections, towers and medieval fortifications.
Have you ever considered Rovigo for a weekend trip? Compared to other well-known gems of the Veneto region, such as Vicenza’s Palladian Villas or UNESCO heritage cities such as Verona and Ferrara, the city certainly gets less tourist attention, but that does not mean it does not have its charms, quite the contrary.
Here are some ideas on what to visit in Rovigo, churches, museums, towers and medieval gateways.

© Comune di Rovigo
Rovigo: what to see in the historic center
The center is easy to explore on foot, and most of the monuments are concentrated nearby in the area of Corso del Popolo, the city’s shopping thoroughfare.
As you stroll through the pedestrian area, you will come face to face with the city’s most important squares, such as Piazza Garibaldi, where you can admire a bronze statue dedicated to the great military commander and the neoclassical Teatro Sociale.
The main meeting point in town, Piazza Emanuele II, is surrounded by elegant aristocratic palaces, such as the 16th-century Palazzo Roncale, to which admission is free and also accessible by guided tour. You will find all the information here.
Exploring art in Rovigo
A must-see for art lovers is the Beata Vergine del Soccorso Church; although also known as La Rotonda, its floor plan is actually octagonal. Built to preserve an image of Our Lady believed to be miraculous, it boasts walls wonderfully decorated with frescoes and canvases – an all-round view that will leave you breathless. Don’t say we didn’t tell you!
Palazzo Roverella stands out as one of the city’s most famous historic buildings. This is one site you must visit. Home to the Pinacoteca dell ‘Accademia dei Concordi and the Bishop’s Seminary of Rovigo, it houses works by Tiepolo, Bellini and Palma il Vecchio and regularly hosts prestigious temporary exhibitions.

© Claudia Difra
The remains of the fortified city
The route that traces the remains of the ancient city wall is also very interesting. The most significant stops include the remains of the Castle and the defense towers, particularly the Donà Tower, among the tallest preserved medieval towers.
Like the latter, Torre Grimani is also characterized by its particular slope, the difference being that the upper part has collapsed, which is why it is also called Torre Mozza (the Blunt Tower).
Among the medieval architectural wonders to visit in Rovigo, there is also Porta San Bortolo, characterized by the fifteenth-century layout and the splendid Ghibelline crenelation.
To Rovigo with Italo
Once you have noted what to see in Rovigo, one last step remains: organize the trip! Thanks to Italo’s high-speed connections to Rovigo, you can travel swiftly and efficiently from Vicenza, Padua, Venice, Bologna and many other cities. Are you ready to reconsider this unusual destination?